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I intend to discuss the equations and explain essential derivations (or proofs) but for now, I am going to simply dump the relevant equations here.

Equations based on cartesian and cylindrical coordinates

Equation 1

Diagram for deriving cartesian coordinates

Equation 2

Superellipse radius

Equation 3

Superellipse angle based on cylindrical coordinates

Equations based on spherical coordinates

Equation 1

Diagram for deriving spherical coordinates

Equation 9

Sphere rho

Equation 7

Superellipsoid rho

Equation 8

Superellipsoid rho, featuring expanded exponents

Equation 6

Sphere x,y,z

Equation 1

Superellipsoid x,y,z featuring expanded exponents

Equation 4

Superellipsoid angle Phi based on spherical coordinates

Equation 5

Superellipse angle Theta based on spherical coordinates